I don't think SEGA will abandon console development either (I hope not since I don't really PC game), I just think they'll try to get more of their fanbases focused on one platform that has a relatively steady userbase that way as long as they release a PC version of their future games, sales will hopefully be ok regardless of what other platforms they choose. Still if they really want a bigger focus on PC then there's a lot more they could do. /rebates/2f3d-models2fsonic-06-sonic-custom-animations-beda713f51a14b96a04dd44a015b620d&252f3d-models252fsonic-06-sonic-custom-animations-beda713f51a14b96a04dd44a015b620d26tc3dbing-&idsketchfab&nameSketchfab+Inc. Steam would also help SEGA to make sure their games were good. Also the amount of indie games getting a name for themselves on Steam means that games don't need AAA budgets to sell on Steam unlike PS360. This video showcases the Sonic 06 Model mod for Sonic Generations SONIC 2006 MODEL mod by ItsHelias94 feature. On PCs the biggest userbase is a digital one (Steam), which means minimal publishing costs and no distribution costs. Those systems couldn't do what SEGA wanted from Generations, but as a result the game didn't perform as well as they'd hoped. 3.1 Characters 3.2 Items/vehicles 3.3 Enemies 4 Models 5 Promotional 6 Screenshots 6.1 E3 2005 Trailer 6.2 Action Stages 6.2.1 Wave Ocean 6.2.2 Dusty Desert 6.2. Consider the fact that the main reason Sonic Generations underperformed is because it wasn't on Wii or DS, the systems which, at the time, had the strongest amount of the Sonic userbase. Having a strong PC userbase would definitely benefit SEGA.